Opening Session of the 205TH Programme Assessment in Can Tho University

In the morning of March 22nd 2021, Can Tho University held the opening session of the 205th AUN-QA programme assessment.

This online session welcomed the participation by Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti – AUN Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Raymund Sison – Chief Assessor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, Prof. Dr. Yahaya Md. Sam, Prof. Dr. Marilou G. Nicolas, Assoc. Prof. Sumet Umchid, Dr. Coralie Therese Dimacali, Prof. Dr. Patricia Empleo, Dr. Pepen Arifin, and Dr Nguyễn Huy Phúc from Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City as the Local verifier, and Ms. Monsiri Chintanavisit and Ms. Supitcha Thitisomboon – the AUN-QA Secretariat.

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính led the participants of Can Tho University.

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính (on the right)

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính (on the right)

Located in the heart of the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam, with 55 years of development and serving since its foundation on March 31st 1966, Can Tho University is now a key national institution of higher learning. The University offers 176 study programmes at undergraduate and graduate levels to about 48,000 learners. There are 59 units in charge of academic, support and service activities. Among 1,800 staff, more than 1,000 are lecturers. There are 158 professors and associate professors.

To achieve its mission in education, research and community services, Can Tho University is striving to improve and enhance the quality of activities to meet regional and international quality standards in higher education.

As a member of the ASEAN University Network (AUN) since July 2013, Can Tho University has been introducing and applying AUN quality guides and practices across its campuses.

The better performance thanks to the findings in self-assessment and recommendations by external assessors is the evidence of the commitment of the University to the stakeholders and the society.

The 205th AUN-QA programme assessment in Can Tho University include 4 undergraduate study programmes, namely Software Engineering and Computer Network & Data Communication (from the College of Information and Communication Technology), Mechatronics Engineering (from the College of Engineering Technology), and Mathematics Teacher Education (from the School of Education).

Having seen the developments in Can Tho University since his visit to the campus under the ASEAN-QA project, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan acknowledges the efforts of Can Tho University in putting in place quality assurance activities across the campuses and strong commitment to AUN quality guidance.

The participants in the opening session of the 205TH PA in Can Tho UniversityThe participants in the opening session of the 205TH PA in Can Tho University


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