On November 07th, 2022, Can Tho University (CTU) held the online opening session of the 302nd AUN-QA Assessment at CTU.

The participants from the AUN-QA team included Prof.Dr. Fauza Ab. Ghaffar, Chief Assessor; Lead Assessors: Prof.Dr. Kiran Kaur, Dr. Yu Un Oppusunggu, Prof.Dr. Alvin B. Culaba; Assessors: Dr. Acharaporn Sripusanapan, Assoc.Prof. Rodrigo D. Belleza Jr, Asst.Prof. Streerut Thadakant, Prof.Dr. Serlie Barroga Jamias; Local Verifiers: Dr. Nguyen Thi Huyen and Dr. Nguyen Huy Phuc; the AUN-QA Secretariat: Ms. Preeyanut Bootsawai and Ms. Worapanit Wongsaprom. At CTU's side were Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector; Vice-Rectors: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Prof.Dr. Tran Ngoc Hai, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hieu Trung; leader representatives of CTU’s units; Dean, Vice Deans, Heads of Departments, lecturers, staff, and students from the study programs to be assessed.

The opening session of the 302nd AUN-QA Assessment at CTU 

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Opening Session of the 205TH Programme Assessment in Can Tho University

In the morning of March 22nd 2021, Can Tho University held the opening session of the 205th AUN-QA programme assessment.

This online session welcomed the participation by Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti – AUN Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Raymund Sison – Chief Assessor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Kay Chuan, Prof. Dr. Yahaya Md. Sam, Prof. Dr. Marilou G. Nicolas, Assoc. Prof. Sumet Umchid, Dr. Coralie Therese Dimacali, Prof. Dr. Patricia Empleo, Dr. Pepen Arifin, and Dr Nguyễn Huy Phúc from Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City as the Local verifier, and Ms. Monsiri Chintanavisit and Ms. Supitcha Thitisomboon – the AUN-QA Secretariat.

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính led the participants of Can Tho University.

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính (on the right)

Prof. Dr. Hà Thanh Toàn and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Trung Tính (on the right)

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                To learn from and share best practices with the ASEAN University Network regarding the quality of education, research, human resource development, industry engagement and community services, Can Tho University – an AUN university in Vietnam – hosts the 115th AUN-QA assessment at program level in Can Tho University Campus II between 22 and 24 May 2018. The 2 undergraduate study programs to be assessed are International Business (administered directly by College of Economics) and Information Technology (administered directly College of Information and Communication Technology).

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Address: Floor 3 - Administrative Building, Can Tho University (Campus II)

3/2 Street, Xuân Khánh Ward, Ninh Kiều District, Cần Thơ City.

Phone: 02923. 872 171   |   Email: ttdbcl@ctu.edu.vn