To learn from and share best practices with the ASEAN University Network regarding the quality of education, research, human resource development, industry engagement and community services, Can Tho University – an AUN university in Vietnam – hosts the 115th AUN-QA assessment at program level in Can Tho University Campus II between 22 and 24 May 2018. The 2 undergraduate study programs to be assessed are International Business (administered directly by College of Economics) and Information Technology (administered directly College of Information and Communication Technology).

           The team of assessors includes Assoc. Prof. Tan Kay Chuan and Mr. Johnson Ong Chee Bin, 2 top AUN-QA experts from Singapore, and Dr. Anan Mungwattana and Dr. Ornlatcha Sivarak from Thailand.

              The assessors are checking the evidences to support the submitted Self-assessment reports and working with the leaders of the College of Economics and the College of Information and Communication Technology, leaders of the 2 study programs, the SAR teams, representatives for of the programs’ stakeholders (i.e. students, alumni, academic and support staff, employers and industries) in order to rate the study programs in the quality scale published by AUN in the latest Version 3.0 issued in 2015. 

           Pursuant to the Master-plan approved by CTU Rector and AUN-QA Council, the 115th AUN-QA assessment at program level held in Can Tho University welcomes 04 colleagues from Thai Nguyen University – an AUN-QA university in Vietnam – to participate in the assessment as observers.

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Address: Floor 3 - Administrative Building, Can Tho University (Campus II)

3/2 Street, Xuân Khánh Ward, Ninh Kiều District, Cần Thơ City.

Phone: 02923. 872 171   |   Email: