On April 18th, 2023, the opening session of the 324th AUN-QA Program Assessment in Can Tho University (CTU) took place at the Rectorate Board Meeting Hall. Attending the meeting were Prof. Dr. Arnel Onesimo O. Uy, Chief Assessor; the Lead Assessors including Asst. Prof. Dr. Jutarat Vibulphol; Mr. Prem Anand M. Arjunan; Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ir., M. Eng Herman Parung; the Assessors including Prof. Dr. Isabel Pefianco Martin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amphawan Julsereewong, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prastawa Budi, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosula Reyes; the Secretariat consisting of Ms. Soranee Chuyingsakultip and Mr. Varayut Pukaew.

At CTU’s side were Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector; the Vice-Rectors including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trung Tinh, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hieu Trung, Prof. Dr. Tran Ngoc Hai; members of CTU’s Board of Trustees; leaders, staff, and students of CTU’s units.

The opening session of the 324th program assessment of AUN-QA in CTU

To fulfill the mission of education and training, scientific research, and community services, CTU has continuously strived to improve the quality of the University’s activities to meet national and international higher education standards. Accordingly, quality assurance and accreditation are identified as crucial tasks of CTU.

Speaking at the opening session of the assessment, Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU, gave an overview of the University, the joining of the University to AUN, and the update of the programs assessed and recognized to meet the AUN-QA standards.

Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan, Rector of CTU, delivered the opening speech

Specifically, CTU officially joined AUN (ASEAN University Network) in July 2013. Then, the University has continuously implemented AUN’s guidelines and quality requirements in its academic activities. CTU not only grasps the opportunity to have a deeper access to regional quality standards but accompanies other member universities in the network to strengthen the quality assurance of educational institutions.

Currently, CTU has 17 accredited programs meeting AUN-QA standards, including Agricultural Economics (2013), Advanced Biotechnology and Advanced Aquaculture (2014); Information Technology and International Business (2018); Software Engineering, Computer Networking and Data Communication, Mechatronics Engineering, and Mathematics Teacher Education (2021); Engineering in Food Technology, Chemistry, Engineering in Crop Science, Plant Protection, Advanced Aquaculture, Engineering in Land Management, Applied Mathematics, and Master in Calculus (2022).

In 2023, the University is conducting three assessments for 12 study programs. The April site visit is for the four study programs including Bachelor in English Studies, Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, and Master in Aquaculture. This assessment is based on AUN-QA Guide Version 4.0.

Prof. Dr. Ha Thanh Toan believed that with their rich experiences and expertise, the assessors would help the University improve the quality of education, research, and community services so as to fully meet the demands of stakeholders. Besides, the University also committed that the four study programs, CTU departments, and staff will try their best to support the AUN-QA Team during the three days of the assessment.

Prof. Dr. Arnel Onesimo O. Uy, Chief Assessor, in his speech

Representing the AUN-QA Team, Prof. Dr. Arnel Onesimo O. Uy, Chief Assessor, congratulated CTU on 57 years of establishment and growth (1966-2023). The year 2023 also marks the 10th anniversary of CTU’s participation in AUN; therefore, he also acknowledged and warmly thanked the University for its considerable contributions to AUN’s overall activities. The Chief Assessor also thanked CTU for the trust in AUN-QA in recent assessments and for accompanying AUN-QA in the coming time. He believed that the evaluations and suggestions from the Team would help the University further improve the quality of education, thereby affirming the prestige and brand of CTU and contributing to the development of education in the region and the world.

The Chief Assessor presented the plaque of appreciation to CTU on the occasion of the 324th AUN-QA assessment

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Address: Floor 3 - Administrative Building, Can Tho University (Campus II)

3/2 Street, Xuân Khánh Ward, Ninh Kiều District, Cần Thơ City.

Phone: 02923. 872 171   |   Email: ttdbcl@ctu.edu.vn